Tomorrow’s Plans

I’m so excited about my plans for tomorrow. I planned for Lucjan and me to head out to the northern beaches to explore. So tomorrow, we will take a train from Central to Circular Quay and catch a ferry across the harbour to Manly Wharf. Then we will explore a bit of Manly before getting a bus to Palm Beach.
I’m bringing snorkeling equipment and Lucjan is bringing lunch, so we will picnic and explore tomorrow. Together.
I’m hoping to get to each of the northern beaches. Tomorrow, we may not make it to all of them, but we could definitely make it to several.
Lucjan is incredible – a lot different than I ever would have expected from a German model of his level of attractiveness. Let’s face it: he’s hot as hell and out of my league. But then again, I don’t believe in leagues, and apparently, neither does he.
I’m incredibly excited for tomorrow. I hope the weather and the world cooperates.



Yesterday (Saturday), I went on a date with Dane. We were supposed to get coffee, but when he picked me up, he asked me if I was in for more of an adventure. of course
So he drove me out to Vaucluse – yes, same place where Lucjan mistakenly told me to go – and showed me to some secret beaches. They were absolutely beautiful and so peaceful. And yet these beaches looked right over the harbour to the bridge and the Opera house. Amazing.
Dane and I had dinner after at the RSL at Bondi and watched a storm roll over. I enjoyed him. He was funny and took me on an awesome date. (And dropped me off with two bottles of his favorite cider – yay!)
Today was the St.Patrick’s Day parade, so naturally, my roommates and I started drinking at 9am. It rained, so we missed the parade, but we totally smashed and went to Scruffy Murphy’s before getting burgers.
I took a nap after eating, and woke up again around 5.
Tonight, I went out to Arq with Lucjan. It was so much fun -almost too much- and we met these three gay guys. Nick, Jamie, and Ben invited us back to their place, so Lucjan and I decided to be spontaneous and went with them. I’m so glad that we did because these guys were so cool and chill and happy. It was a fantastic night.